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Vault Data Backup Meet DNS Hijacking

The vault operator raft snapshot save command should handle redirection to the active node, but it often fails to. Let's use DNS hijacking to solve this by setting VAULT_ADDR to the actual cluster leader while doing the backup.
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Effortless Ansible Installation with Pipx & Pip

Installing software can become overwhelming, requiring hours of research and painstaking attention to detail. However, there’s a tool that can make this process not only easier, but also enjoyable. In this article, we will guide you through installing Ansible, a powerful automation tool.
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Terraform Test Capabilities

The terraform test command is now generally available and this comes with a significant change to how tests are written and executed.
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Vault CSI Provider

The Vault CSI Provider enables pods to consume Vault secrets via CSI Secrets Store volumes while also synchronizing secrets to Kubernetes secrets to be used as environment variables. Is this, nevertheless, a recommended approach?
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We previously discussed the many possibilities of using HashiCorp Vault in conjunction with Kubernetes. However, it is important we first and foremost understand the broader context, which includes figuring out how to get data directly from Vault via its HTTP API.
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Kubernetes Secrets Management With Hashicorp Vault

An overview of the methods for employing HashiCorp Vault and Kubernetes for managing sensitive data in a secure manner.
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Terraform import{} Block

Terraform version 1.5.0-alpha20230504 introduced the import block type to allow the use of import functionality as a configuration-driven process.
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Terraform check{} Block (Continued)

Using check{} blocks in order to manage the dependencies of Helm releases when these are deployed using the helm Terraform Provider in comparison to using the depends_on argument.
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13.2-RELEASE brings back the Wireguard driver to FreeBSD

WireGuard driver has been reintegrated into FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE
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Terraform check{} Block

The check{} block has been introduced in the latest pre-release of Terraform (v1.5.0-alpha20230405), thus allowing practitioners to define assertions based on data source values to verify the state of the infrastructure on an ongoing basis.
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