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Exploring and Provisioning Infrastructure With Packer

Packer is, without doubt, one of the tools that shouldn’t be missing from a DevOps Engineer’s ammo bag. We’ll talk about Infrastructure as Code, Immutable Infrastructure, how Packer fits in all this, Golden Images and we will also provide a demonstration by building a Virtual Machine image and a container image.
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FreeBSD and Hetzner Cloud Private Networking

Using FreeBSD as Open Source Firewall to allow Hetzner Cloud Servers to reach the Internet and enable cloud and dedicated root servers to reach each other via their private network links.
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Gitlab: Rebase Without Pipeline

Leveraging the GitLab API’s capabilities in order to tweak the manner in which Merge Requests are handled.
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Creating maps of Virtual Networks and Subnets Names to IDs in Azure

Using Terraform, a better approach of dynamically mapping Virtual Networks and Subnets Names to IDs in Azure.
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Evaluating Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): The Journey

Learning approach and things I've discovered on the journey to deploy, manage and operate Kubernetes in Azure.
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Stepping Up My Game With Vault Operations Professional

HashiCorp has recently announced the new Vault Operations Professional exam. What makes this one different from its ‘sibling’ (Vault Associate) is that it is mainly hands-on. I was invited to participate in the Beta phase of this and took the exam mid-January. I’d say it is a tough one, however highly rewarding. 4 hours. Several scenarios to tackle in order to complete the requirements or to answer certain questions based on the provided environment.…
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OpenBSD Routing Tables and Routing Domains

Learn how to do virtual routing and firewalling on OpenBSD using Routing Tables and Routing Domains.
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